Saturday, February 14, 2009

Couponing Tips


Successful coupon shoppers also use the following tips to maximize their savings.
* Don’t buy something solely because you have a coupon.
* Combine sales with coupons to get the best deal.
* Generic brands are almost never cheaper than name brands bought on sale with coupons.
* If the coupon says “off any size”, its often most profitable to use it on the smallest size.
* Remember one store never has the lowest price on everything.
* Stock up when the great deals come.
* Moderation! Know how much your family can use.
* Check expiration dates on all food and perishable items.
* Multiple coupons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharla! Thanks for inviting me to view your blog! You are crazy with your zest for bargains! I am truly inspired and blown away. I really want to save $ but truthfully, I can't stand all the time it takes to look for bargains. I'm just not excited about it. So maybe, your blog will be just the thing I need! Thank you!!
- Annie