Saturday, March 14, 2009

Coupon Organization 101

In order to make couponing work, it is essential to have a good system to stay organized. There are probably as many different ways to do this as there are couponers. Personally, I can't fathom the idea of clipping every coupon and keeping them straight. I have developed a scissor-free, time-saving system that keeps me organized without feeling the least bit overwhelmed.

2" Binder
sheet protectors
post-it notes
dollar store coupon organizer

Each week I write the date on a post-it note and put it on the side of the first empty sheet protector in my book

I take my complete coupon inserts and slide them in

It's as easy as that!
Loose coupons go into my coupon organizer. I also clip my "most used" coupons and put them in here. That way, I have them with me at the store if I happen across a deal.
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