Saving money doesn't just happen. It requires organization. Spending a little time beforehand to get organized saves time in the store and money, since you won't be drawn to those impulse buys. This is my method:

I bought this handy little coupon organizer at Dollar Tree. It's small enough to bring on my shopping trips. No bulky binder or box to haul. It's a gem.
Sharla- I got your link and came right over to check out your new blog- I love it! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I've been wanting to get started with couponing, but really have no idea where to start. Thanks for offering all your advice! I will look forward to future posts.
This is a WONDERFUL blog! Thank you so much for doing this. I love bargain hunting, but I haven't really gotten into big coupon clipping. Seeing how someone else pulls it off without pulling their hair out is great! Thanks. Do you take your kids with you shopping? Or would you recommend leaving them at home for optimal brain power? how many papers do you subscribe to?
I am lovin' this blog! I'm still clipping coupons though. I'm always just afraid I will see an awesome deal at a store and not have the coupon with me, if I don't cut them out. It is time consuming though. Maybe I will switch to your way..
Awesome, Sharla!! I'm excited to see how you pull this off. I've tried the coupon thing and just haven't been able to stick with it.
Already, I'm so impressed and enlightened by what you've got on here!
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